See new interview celebrating USGBC 25th Anniversary - Inside Under Videos Tab

See interview From Chengdu (inside, under Videos tab)
Increasing urbanization in countries like China and India offer great opportunities to apply Eco-City principles. Clean Energy technologies and policies can be used to revitalize American cities. Cities around the world are applying energy efficiency and renewable energy to become more sustainable and successful. At COP21, 1000 cities signed commitments to address climate change. Eco-Cities, green and low carbon cities will lead the way to a successful 21st Century. SEE RECENT PRESENTATIONS ON ECO-CITIES Inside under Events and Presentations tab.
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Integrated oceanwater agriculture systems brings 40 years of aquaculture experience to help make deserts bloom. Mark Ginsberg has joined old friend and colleague, Carl Hodges, in a venture to utilize Salicornia for biofuels and other benefits, Salicornia seeds can produce food, fuel and fodder in arid lands – all from saltwater. They are applying it in a project at the Salton Sea in southern California and exploring ways to scale it around the world. SEE ARTICLE "The Road Ahead" inside under Articles Written tab.
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Water, Energy
Food, Climate
Mark has said that "Water, energy, and food are inextricably linked to our climate challenge - and the good news is that there are job-creating, cost-effective green solutions." He also says “water is good only if you heat it, treat it, or pump it – and all that requires energy.” . There are strategies to reduce energy waste in water systems and utilize the 97% of the world's water that is salty. The Water-Energy-Food-Climate nexus is becoming more important and offers a way to address hunger, energy shortages and climate change.
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